Tuesday, June 12, 2007

News report - Swim Around Alcatraz

Channel 5's video footage of the swim.

No humans were harmed during the filming of this news report!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dolphin Club Movie

I wish I had brought my camera with me to the club this morning. It was the nicest sunrise I've seen in a long time. I think I'm actually enjoying swimming more now than when I was preparing for the swim around the rock.

Below is a a 5 minute documentary video from Youtube about the club. I think they did a good job of capturing the feel of the club. It might provide some insight into why I enjoy swimming in the bay.


If the clip below doesn't work, the direct link is here

Sunday, June 3, 2007

NEW Alcatraz Photos (No Race Report)

Well, a week has passed since the Swim Around Alcatraz. I have attempted to write a race report on a couple occassions. However, each time I stopped short. The swim had an unexpected and profound impact on me and I just felt my narrative didn't capture the swim.

It is ironic, I can easily and enthusiasticly write about seemingly insignificant events. However, I am at a loss when it comes to adequately describing the actual event.

Not to disappoint, I have some wonderful photos to share with you. My kayak pilot, Bob, took these photos with a disposible camera. These photos give you a unique perspective on the swim, the island, the conditions and the 'feel' of the event. I hope you enjoy them!

Approaching Alcatraz (35 minutes into the event).

The island was longer than I expected. I think I am trailing the blue kayak in this photo.

The water behind the island was protected, warm(er) and calm.

Check out these creepy water caves on the back side of Alcatraz.

Signature Alcatraz.

At this point there was a strong current pulling me into the island. Swimming parallel to the island was difficult. It was slow going here.

Struggling to round the island. The strongest currents and coldest water were during the part of the swim.

The start of a long swim home.

Sighting San Francisco.