Monday, March 17, 2008

Jason Completes Polar Bear!

This morning Jason completed his 40th mile. Here is a iPhone photo of Jason certifying his final swim of Polar Bear 2008. He is obviously very happy. He seemed sincerely grateful as well. Knowing Jason as I do, I know he wouldn't want me to make too big of a deal about his accomplishment so let me share the "Starbuck's Story of Good Intentions."

Last week when Nobu finished Polar Bear, Jason ran up the hill to Starbucks and got a green tea for Nobu to congratulate him. Unfortunately, as Jason emerged from Starbucks, Nobu was pulling away from the curb and Jason was left with bitter green tea.

This morning Nobu was off again. Jason remarked, "That is the problem with runners, they are always in a hurry. I was hoping the three of us could grabs some coffee." I was a bit rushed too, but acknowledging his accomplishment, I happily agreed to walk up with the hill with Jason for a hot cup of joe. As we exited the Dolphin Club, we were surprised to see Nobu holding a tray stacked with three hot Starbucks drinks!

Nobu stuttered the word, "ccccongrattulll-llationsss" and we all laughed. You see, Nobu needs more sauna time than us to rewarm due to his size. By rushing out of the sauna to retrieve the coffee, he was still as cold as when he got out of the water. It was very kind of Nobu, but he shivering so much he could barely speak. We all saw the humor of the kind gesture. What a great guy.

Congrats Jason, you did it!