Monday, November 10, 2008

End of Ironman AZ training

Lisa and I finished our Ironman Arizona training Sunday with a cold and windy 6-hour bike ride in the hills of Livermore. It marked the last weekend night of - prepping our gear, going to sleep early, waking at dawn, and training through breakfast and lunch. With two weeks to go, we’ll keep up the 1-hour training sessions, but thankfully the long ones are behind us.

I’m amazed at Lisa’s transformation as a biker and equally impressed with her consistent dedication to the training. I’m proud of my ‘catch up’ training and hope it is enough to carry the day. I’m thankful for all the support we received from our family, our caregiver Sandy, Nobu, Alex, and Ed. I’m also very appreciative of the emails I’ve received from you folks.

Soon, we’ll surrender our bikes for transport to Arizona and begin packing.

Stay tuned. . . my brother produced a short film of my 2004 Ironman. I hope to upload it to the blog this week.