Friday, May 9, 2008

Wildflower 2008 - Photo Essay

Race reports to follow. . . here are the pics!

Chillin watching the Pros and oh, Mark and Victor!

A blur which was Mark McKee on the long course (he finished 10th).

Victor on the long course (Saturday afternoon)

Dave and Doug arrive Saturday evening.

It ain't Wildflower if you don't camp.

With camp established. . . let the drinking begin!
(limit 3 beers per athlete on race night)

Foggy race morning (Sunday) . . . here are your athletes!

Future Ironman and 1st grade teacher - Nobu Takahashi

T1 - Swim to Bike transition

The swim start.

Alex begins the swim.

Long course (Ironman) Victor with two young Olympic Distance virgins . . . Lisa & Elaine

Nobu on the bike, he is a Team Kaori-Man!

Just how does one post a 40 minute run time at the Olympic Wildlower course? Observe. . .

The transformation begins, from the Nobu we all know. . .
to the possessed speed demon.

You have now entered the Nobu Zone!

Check out the spectators!

I'm sorry, but these all get posted, look at this guy!

A man possessed, the most incredible transformation I've ever seen!

Now, THAT is the Nobu I know and love!

If it looks like a seal, swims like a seal, and runs like a seal. . .
its has to be Kev. Haugh
I've never been much of a runner, but the desire is there.

Lisa at the Finish Line with Nobu and Alex.

Crazy Tri-Fans
(Bob, Kev., Dave)

Julie (x2 Boston Marathoner), Alex, Kaori & Nobu

Happy couple - Kaori & Nobu

Another happy couple - Lisa & Kev.

A parting shot of our amazing crew. It was an unforgettable weekend!
Thanks everyone!
(Kev., Dave, Doug, Bob)
(Lisa, Nobu, Alex)