Friday, February 22, 2008

Golden Gate [X]press - Interview

Last week I got a call from a writer of a local magazine called Golden Gate [X]press. Meredith explained that she was a former competitive swimmer and wanted to interview me for an article she was writing about swimming in the bay. I was happy to oblige and eagerly answered a series of questions about: the Dolphin Club, the water temperature, sharks, sea lions, hypothermia, Alcatraz, etc.

Then she asked simply, “Why do you do it?” To my surprise, I didn’t really have a response. I wanted to convey to her the exhilaration I feel when I get in; the allure of open water; the camaraderie of the club; the beauty of sunrise from the ocean; that tranquil state of mind I experience after a long bay swim. . . the phone line was still quiet. Finally, I responded, “How about joining me for a morning swim?” To my surprise, she jumped at the opportunity.

The next morning, I met Meredith at the Dolphin Club at 6:30 a.m. She pulled on a wetsuit and shuffled, wide-eyed, toward the beach. The initial shock of the cold water, even with a wetsuit, elicits shrieks from the strongest of swimmers, she was no exception. However, as we swam away from the club, she seemed to gain more confidence with each stroke. Her experience as a competitive swimmer was readily apparent. Soon, she rolled on to her back, pushed her goggles to her forehead and resumed her interview with me in the middle of the bay!

The sun had risen and the historic ships in the bay came alive with color. There was no noticeable current or wind. I guess you could say it was the perfect morning for a floating interview. I can’t remember the details of the exchange. I suppose I was too cold, but I recall it seemed to go well. I suppose I’ll have to wait until the article is published to know for sure.

This morning, Meredith came to the club again to ask some follow up questions. This time the photo editor for the magazine, Darlene, came too. Darlene came prepared with her camera equipment, but the conditions this morning were a bit harsh. It was dark and stormy. She offered to come again on a clear morning to take more pictures. Meredith didn’t swim this morning because she had a bit of a cold, but I still have to hand it to her. Her dedication to journalism is amazing. I still can’t believe she swam in the bay to prepare for her article.