Friday, January 25, 2008

Rainy 6 a.m. Swim (photos)

There is an "aqua-culture" shared by the group. Each morning starts with mention of the phase of the moon, tide, current, tempurature, seal activity and wind.

I really enjoy the social aspect of swimming with the club. It isn't that we have any deep converations, in fact, we are usually pretty rushed and each swimmer is somewhat mentally preoccupied with the thought of entering the water. However, there is something about gathering with like minded folks that I find rewarding.

It is hard to describe, but I know I wouldn't get out of bed at 5 a.m. if they weren't there. There are reassuring nods when the course is agreed upon, sharp exhails of self-doubt before opening the back door of the club, the unique pre-swim routine of each swimmer, everything is so authentic. It feels right to me to be part of this group.

Here is the march out of the club and into our version of winter. The temperature is around 40, it is windy, the waves are crashing loudly on the beach, the gulls are screaming, and the stairs are hard and cold. If you look close at this picture (click it to enlarge), you can make out the crew heading down the stairs.

Nobu on the beach, he looks a bit like a deer caught in the headlights. Nobu and Vince were the only swimmers in our group to complete the 100 mile summer swim. He has overcome so much as a swimmer. Everyone seems to know Nobu, his determination and kind demeanor has pretty much won over everyone at the Dolphin Club. I think it has become a very special place for him.

Ah, the most exciting part - getting in! At this moment, I'm on the verge of losing my nerve, retreving my camera, and walking back up into the warmth of the club. Almost. Every morning, almost. I guess that is part of it for me, the mental challenge.

Off we go, into the night!